r Hamiters Blog | How reviews and rating works in 2020 by Shubham

1.How reviews and rating works

Trust between sellers and buyers is critical for the success of a marketplace. One way to build trust is to let users rate and comment each other after a transaction. This is how trust is built with Sharetribe.

After a transaction is completed, both buyer and seller can review each other.
A review consists of:

  • A positive or negative rating (thumbs up or down).
  • A free-form text comment.

Yelp uses an algorithm to recommend reviews it thinks will be most helpful. It uses three factors: quality, reliability and the reviewer’s activity on the site to rank your business listing.

TripAdvisor uses a ranking system purely based on star ratings. The higher the stars, the higher the ranking. However, this makes rankings very sensitive to reviews. For example, a 4-star review can be more damaging than no review at all if it pulls the company rating down.

Google Reviews are integrated with the feature Google My Business and Google Maps. This allows customers to post a review of a business, service or product in Google. This is usually the first thing people see when do a Google search for a local business – the map with the top 3 ranked businesses (3-pack).Google also has a reputation of scrutinizing all reviews to ensure they are authentic, so it is a trusted and respected source for consumers. The reviews have the biggest impact in Local Search results where they are linked with Google Map Listing inserts.

Getting customer reviews, responding to them, and improving your SEO on these sites are just a few things our software will help you do!

2. Explain google policy.

Enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations. detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues. protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of Google, our users or the public as required or permitted by law.There are many different ways you can use our services – to search for and share information, to communicate with other people or to create new content. When you share information with us, for example by creating a Google Account, we can make those services even better – to show you more relevant search results and ads, to help you connect with people or to make sharing with others quicker and easier. As you use our services, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy.

Our Privacy Policy explains:

  • What information we collect and why we collect it.
  • How we use that information.

The choices we offer, including how to access and update information.
We’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible, but if you’re not familiar with terms like cookies, IP addresses, pixel tags and browsers, then read about these key terms first. Your privacy matters to Google so whether you are new to Google or a long-time user, please do take the time to get to know our practices – and if you have any questions contact us.

We collect information to provide better services to all of our users – from figuring out basic stuff like which language you speak, to more complex things like which ads you’ll find most useful, the people who matter most to you online, or which YouTube videos you might like.

We collect information in the following ways:

  • Information you give us. For example, many of our services require you to sign up for a Google Account. When you do, we’ll ask for personal information, like your name, email address, telephone number or credit card to store with your account. If you want to take full advantage of the sharing features we offer, we might also ask you to create a publicly visible Google Profile, which may include your name and photo.
  • Information we get from your use of our services. We collect information about the services that you use and how you use them, like when you watch a video on YouTube, visit a website that uses our advertising services, or view and interact with our ads and content. This information includes

3. Can company report our reviews and remove them?

  • Spam and fake content.
    Online directories are really starting to crack down on people who leave fake reviews. In fact, just last year, an Italian man was sentenced to nine months in jail and fined for leaving fake reviews on TripAdvisor.
    Most local search directories have automatic filters that attempt to mitigate fake reviews from being posted on local business listings, however, some still seem to slip through the cracks. In these cases, you can flag the reviews in order to bring them to Google’s attention directly. To spot a fake review look for signs like overly generic reviews, ridiculous usernames, fake/non-human avatars, nearly identical reviews left by the same person for different businesses, or multiple reviews posted by the same reviewer in a short period of time.

  • Multiple negative reviews from the same person.
    Sometimes, one person will use multiple Google accounts in order to leave more than one review for the same business. They could ask friends to use their accounts or they could create multiple fake accounts. However they decide to do it, using multiple accounts to leave multiple negative reviews about one experience with a business is against Google’s review guidelines and should be flagged for removal.

  • Inappropriate content, profanity and racial terms.
    Any use of inappropriate content or profanity and racial terms in a review is grounds for removal. This also includes explicit content, offensive content, hate speech, harassment, and bullying. Google’s content policy consists of many different guidelines restricting this content from reviews.

  • Fraudulent reviews from competitors.
    Sometimes businesses go to drastic measures to beat their competitors in the local search results. At times, this may result in attempts to hurt a competitor’s online reputation. If multiple businesses in the same industry and in the same general area receive a bad review from one person in a relatively short timespan while leaving one competitor a glowing review, this is usually a sign the person behind the reviews is the competitor.

  • Oops! Wrong business.
    There has been some circumstance where a customer clearly, but accidentally left a review for the wrong businesses. This is easy to spot because they refer to products or services that are completely unrelated to what your business does. In this case, you can either respond to the review and politely ask them to remove it or dispute the review with Google.

  • Leaving reviews at locations they didn’t visit.
    If you have a multi-location business a bad experience at one location could cause a customer to go on a tangent of writing bad reviews at every location in attempts to harm the brand’s reputation as a whole.
    Google’s review guidelines state that you can only leave a review with a business location that you’ve actually had a customer experience with. It’s pretty unlikely that a customer visited more than one location on the same day and had the same negative experience at each location. Another good clue is the location of the user versus the location of the business. For example, if the user is in Florida, but they wrote a review about a location in Ohio and Texas in the same few days.

  • Inappropriate Images
    People can also submit reviews in the form of photos. Many of the guidelines that apply to the text in reviews also apply to any visual content uploaded along with the reviews. Images should only depict the experiences being had at the actual location where the customer is leaving the review for.

4. How to report review as company?

Log in to your business account.Go to Reviews > Service reviews on the left-hand menu. Find the review you intend to report and below that review, click Report.A window will appear explaining the reporting steps. Click Continue to create a report.

Choose the reason you are reporting the review and click Continue. If you choose the reason “Harmful or illegal”, you’ll also be asked to choose a sub-reason.For some of the reporting reasons, you’ll be asked to highlight the problematic parts of the review.

A report summary will show the reason you selected and information about what happens next. Check the box that you understand misusing the reporting tool is a breach of our Guidelines for Businesses. Click Submit.
That depends. If we need to get in touch with the reviewer, we normally give them seven days to respond. Sometimes there’s a bit of back and forth, like when the reviewer edits their review but it’s still not compliant, so we give them another seven days to make the requested changes.

5. Why google play storew removed tiktok app ratings and review?

ByteDance’s TikTok app, which has gained hundreds of millions of users in India with its short-form videos, is facing criticism in its biggest overseas market after disturbing videos surfaced on the platform.

Phrases such as BanTikTok, DeleteTikTok, and BlockTikTok have trended on Twitter in India in the past three weeks after numerous users expressed disgust over some videos that were circulating on Chinese giant ByteDance’s jewel app.
Users unearthed and shared numerous recent TikTok videos on Twitter that appeared to promote domestic violence, animal cruelty, racism, child abuse and objectification of women.
The backlash has resulted in millions of Indians giving the app a one-star rating on its Google Play Store listing and posting poor reviews that are critical of the app. The app’s overall rating globally has tanked from 4.5 as of earlier this month to as low as 1.2 — until Google intervened.
A Google spokesperson said the company removed millions of negative TikTok reviews that users had posted as a corrective action to curb spam abuse. After this correction, TikTok’s rating has recovered slightly to as high as 1.6 — in Europe, it currently sits at 1.4.

At one time, the overall “sentiment” of the app that, in part, describes a user’s satisfaction with the app based on its reviews, dropped from 86% to 39%, mobile insight firm Apptopia told TechCrunch.Outrages over an app is not a new phenomenon. In India itself, there have been a handful of cases including an incident when an alleged remark made by Snapchat co-founder upset many Indians, many of whom mistakenly deleted — and left poor ratings for — Snapdeal e-commerce app.

But the new incident, which snowballed after Faizal Siddiqui (a social media influencer) posted a spoof video of an acid attack (for which he has since apologized), has put TikTok’s content moderation efforts on spotlight in India, where its app reached 200 million users late last year.Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, an Indian politician, claimed that TikTok — as well as the executive who sees the app’s operation in India — has not listened to the feedback and refused to take down derogatory videos and hold people who posted those clips accountable despite her reports.

In a statement, a TikTok spokesperson said, “keeping people on TikTok safe is a top priority and we make it clear in our Term of Service and Community Guidelines that clearly outlines what is not acceptable on our platform. As per the policy, we do not allow content that risks safety of others, promotes physical harm or glorifies violence against women. The behaviour in question violates our guidelines and we have taken down content, suspended the account, and are working with law enforcement agencies as appropriate.”

But ByteDance did not reveal how many content moderators it had in India and how proactively it removes objectionable videos — or if it does. This isn’t the first time when ByteDance’s efforts have come under scrutiny in India.

Last year, TikTok grappled with a similar issue when a High Court in the country ordered Google and Apple to block the app over porn and other illegal content. The ban was lifted weeks later.The last few weeks have been a little harsh on TikTok, the Chinese video-making app because of the number of controversies it has landed itself in. It was still the talk of the town but for all the wrong reasons.

Hashtags pressing TikTok to be banned and India against TikTok started trending on Twitter.TikTok’s Play Store ranking fell too, from over 4 stars to 2 stars and then it further fell to 1.2 stars. TikTok rankings were at an all-time low until they recently started reviving bit by bit.
In the latest development, the app’s ranking has reached 1.5 stars with 22 million user reviews.

This could be the result of Google removing user reviews so that the app could get some balance.
Nobert Elekes, a verified Twitter user and a data storyteller as he claims himself to be recently noted in a tweet “Apparently, Google deleted over a million TikTok reviews overnight, that's why the rating increased from 1.2 to 1.6 stars.”

His tweet shows a screenshot in which Play Store shows 28 million reviews and the rating is 1.2 stars. Another screenshot shows 27 million reviews with 1.6 stars.
As of today, Play Store shows 22 million reviews for TikTok and it has 1.5 stars. This means that from last week, Google has removed around five million user reviews.

Google has, however, not stated the reason for the removal of these reviews but it has surely improved the ranking of the app, even if it is to some extent.Last week, when TikTok’s rankings were at an all-time low, Elekes wrote “India is about to destroy two viral things: - Coronavirus, - TikTok”

TikTok’s ratings greatly fell last week due to enraged people calling out to Faizal Siddiqui, a TikTok user who glorified acid attack on his TikTok profile. The video drew severe criticism and Siddiqui with subsequently being banned from the platform and the videos being removed.
Another reason was the enraged fans of famous Indian YouTuber Carry Minati flooding Play Store with 1-star reviews.

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