Mental Health

Mental health.. When we hear these words, what thoughts come to our mind?

Generally we think that it just refers to having a healthy mind. But, it’s more than just that! It affects how we think, feel, and act.

Let’s be honest, how many of us can really say that we never experienced any situation which had a heavy impact on our emotional and social well-being?

It’s 2021, and yes people have really opened up to mental health topics, but still even today speaking about our mental health issues or sharing our thoughts isn’t so comfortable. Even with our loved ones!

There may be times.. when you wanted to share something with your close contacts, but just couldn’t! Be it due to the feeling that you won’t be HEARD! Or They won't UNDERSTAND! Or just simply because you think it’s not so Important to talk about!

But if you know that, you are Not At Peace because of it, no matter how much time you gave or how much you tried to suppress it. Then, Please Speak Up! There will always be someone that will understand you.

Even if they couldn’t really help you much with it.. still you will feel relieved. Like some weight is uplifted from your shoulders And that feeling is just so NICE. So, there’s no rush! Take your time. But if there’s something that’s bothering you, then my friend please try to share it.

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